
Friday, 20 June 2014

Tough Guy and Gal Challenge

What an awesome event. 40 of our kids from Western Heights participated in the inaugural tough guy and gal challenge. They braved the mud and the cold and as you will see in the slideshow above, they all had a ball. Every single one of our kids completed the course and were an absolute credit to the school and themselves. Listening to how excited they all were afterwards definitely made the trip worthwhile. A special thanks must go to all the parents who turned up and supported the kids as well.


  1. Hi Room 23,

    Room 20 really enjoyed viewing the slideshow of the Tough Guy and Tough Gal's. We think that all the kids who participated in this event, should be very proud of themselves! Well done!

  2. Great job on the slide show Mr Baker. It was such an awesome day and I was so glad I got the opportunity to come along and cheer you all on. I was so proud of all of you and nearly fell into the stream trying to get action shots of you all as you ran along! You did such a great job representing WH on the day and I loved your 'can do' attitude. I hope I can be as positive as you this Sunday when I do the 6km Tough Gal Mudrun Challenge at the same place! Well done everyone!
    Mrs Sullivan :)

  3. This was one of the best days I have taken off work, all the kids were so well behaved and very polite. I really enjoyed painting everyones faces and cant wait till next year when you all get to do it again. Well done Western Heights - Keshlar (Tylers mum)

  4. Awesome video Mr Baker

